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This is the market standard reproduction, recommen
- Item number
- 788021
- Product position
- 45
- Stock
- Product is on stock
- Weight:
- 8.01 kg
- Brand:
This is the market standard reproduction, recommen
This is the market standard reproduction, recommended if no original part can be procured or repaired, or the fit to fit is low. Old original parts are preferable to new ones. Repro: hood gap deviates, door gap inaccurate, lamp sealing surface wrinkled, small deviations in blinker contour. Under no circumstances paint before trial assembly! Please ask for the exact shipping costs.AP AUTO PARTS INDUSTRIAL LTD.
Kwo Ling Li, Jhongli City
No. 456, Sec.2,Kwoling Rd., 7 Lin
320 Taoyuan County