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Order and Shipping

Terms of Delivery and Sales


1. All sales, either verbal by Telephone or agreements made with our agents, shall be legally binding to us only when acknowledged in writing.

2. Prices and terms of delivery are be nonbinding.

Prices are subject to change without prior notice.

3. Placing an order shall be considered as acceptance of our Delivery and Sales Terms. Any other terms imposed by the purchaser shall be considered binding to us only when accepted and acknowledged in writing by us. The purchaser shall be entitled to withdraw only when the estimated delivery time has been exceeded by more than four weeks and when an adequate extension has been granted without success. This withdrawal must be received by us in writing.

4. Delivery will always be ex stock Hamburg at the risk of the purchaser and as determined by us.

All deliveries will be payable cash on delivery (COD) to the purchasers account. Expenses for packing and shipment will be charged to the buyer at cost. Special packing, such as seaworthy packing, will be charged in addition.

5. All goods delivered shall remain our property until completely paid for. In the event of resale the respective selling price shall be considered assigned to us and shall be remitted to us immediately upon receipt of payment.

6. Complaint shall be accepted only within two weeks following delivery and shall be submitted to us free of postal charges. If complaints are recognized by us the goods shall be taken back by us for exchange or reimbursement. All other claims shall be excluded.

7. We are not responsible for any goods returned to us without our prior consent.

8. Shutdowns of any kind, also at our suppliers, shall release us free from our delivery obligations during the duration of the shutdown. Other influences beyond our control shall entitle us to cancel our agreements in part or in full

9. In case the purchaser does not accept the delivery or the delivery cannot be executed by purchaser’s means, we are allowed to withdraw from the obligation of delivery and are allowed to charge 25% of the order volume to cover our expenses.

10. Illustrations, weights and dimensions are approximate, we reserve the right of making changes.

11. Place of venue for delivery, payment and of jurisdiction shall be Hamburg.

12. The contractual relationship arising from the business is subject to German law.

Siek, June 1st 2003